Perform Better With Tailored Corporate Training In Singapore 2019-03-04T20:04:49+00:00

Who Are We and What’s So Different About Us?

We understand that Performance can be achieved only with Passionate, driven and self-motivated People.

Master the essential tool for influence and change with a speaking coach

If you are a corporate executive, entrepreneur or in a role that involves influencing other to say YES to your ideas or intentions, you need to master the art of public speaking. Click the icon below to start now.

Who Are We and What’s So Different About Us?

We understand that Performance can be achieved only with Passionate, driven and self-motivated People.

Shifting from Problem Focus to Outcome Focus™:

A Solution Focused Approach to Organisational Change and Transformation in Today’s VUCA World. Have you been in a meeting where the discussions went round in circles and never came to any definitive conclusions?Or have you been in meetings where everyone was just pointing fingers at everyone else for all the problems in the organisation? If you have ever sat in meetings like these, then what you have experienced is “Problem-focused Talk” – where almost all of the time, energy and focus were spent talking about problems.The fact is that being problem-focused and talking about problems almost always gets people riled up and charged up negatively.And it gets people boxed into a problem-focused mind-set too.

Our goal is to help organizations, like yours, fully capitalise your Human Capital Assets to bring about positive changes in their mindsets, behaviours and motivations

All our training workshops are designed with only one goal in mind – to help you build a highly efficient, highly effective and highly motivated team so as to enable you to reach Peak Performance.

“Steven led and facilitated a session with our global leadership team. He was quite effective at honing in on the the content need of the group and connecting with a diverse set of individuals”

The *Leadership Style Report™ is based on the six Leadership Styles research done by Dr. Daniel Goleman. Dr. Goleman’s research suggests that the most effective executives use a collection of distinct leadership styles.

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All our training workshops are designed with only one goal in mind – to help you build a highly efficient, highly effective and highly motivated team


  • You will learn the true catalyst for effective organisational change.
  • You will learn why talking about problems isn’t always the best way

  • You will learn how to get your people to change their thinking patterns
  • You will learn how to get your organisation to overcome change inertia.
  • You will also learn techniques that will help move your organisation
  • You could quickly get people to move away from being Problem
  • You could get your people to move away from unproductive conversations
  • You could effectively get organisation moving in the direction that you want

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The *Leadership Style Report™ will highlight your default leadership style

that you use on a day-to-day basis, and it’s relation to and some general advice to help youimprove on your leadership styles

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