Articles & posts that you may find interesting

//Articles & posts that you may find interesting

Articles & posts that you may find interesting

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Here are some articles and blogs I came across recently that you might find interesting. All consolidated here for your convenience.

Read them at your own convenience. Enjoy!

How Not to Choose a Manager
This is an interesting piece that highlights some common assumptions we make when deciding who to promote or hire as manager.

3 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Hiring a Friend
Deciding to hire a friend? Read this article first. The author highlights some tough questions we should ask ourselves before we decide on hiring a friend.

Top tips: interview preparation and technique (from the candidate’s perspective)
If you are looking out for new opportunities, there are some good advice in this article.

Here’s How To Get The Most Out Of Your Seasonal Hires
Planning to bump up your hiring due to seasonal requirements? You might want to read this article to get some ideas on how to deal with it.

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By | 2016-01-29T04:44:53+00:00 June 30th, 2015|Categories: Blogs|Tags: , |0 Comments

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