Employee Engagement

//Employee Engagement

3 Secrets to High Performance Teams

By | 2016-02-01T08:19:40+00:00 June 2nd, 2015|Categories: Blogs, Employee Engagement, Leadership & Management, Organisation Culture, Performance, Strategy, Team Building|Tags: , , |

This article first appeared in the the HR & Education Section of Singapore Business Review portal on 20 March 2013. http://sbr.com.sg/hr-education/commentary/top-3-secrets-high-performance-teams Productivity is a big buzzword everywhere today, and companies are always looking for ways to increase productivity through their employees. One effective way to increase productivity is for employers to look at creating high performance [...]

Are You An Effective Leader?

By | 2016-02-01T08:19:48+00:00 May 26th, 2015|Categories: Blogs, Employee Engagement, Leadership & Management, Performance, Team Building|

A lot has been said about Leadership. Tons of books have been written about Leadership and everyone has an opinion about what effective Leadership is all about. All you need to do is Google “Leadership??? and look at the number of hits Google returns. Every time I ask this question: “What is effective leadership???? I get [...]

Do You Know How Your Leadership Styles Affect Your Team’s Performance?

By | 2016-02-10T05:39:14+00:00 April 14th, 2015|Categories: Blogs, Employee Engagement, Leadership & Management, Performance, Team Building|

Do you know how your Leadership Styles affect your team's performance? This is a question that stumps most people I know. And the reason is because most of us are not aware of the leadership styles we use on a day-to-day basis. Most of us have no idea how we come across to others during the [...]

Why is Personality an important consideration when making hiring decisions?

By | 2016-02-10T05:40:56+00:00 April 7th, 2015|Categories: Blogs, Employee Engagement, Interviewing, Personality|

Some have asked me why personality is important when hiring. Some have even questioned if personality is an important consideration when hiring. I always answer with this question: “What type of persons do you like to work with?" And the answers I usually get include some or all of the following: “Someone who is helpful" “People [...]

The 7 Hidden Reasons Employees Leave

By | 2016-02-10T05:44:42+00:00 March 17th, 2015|Categories: Blogs, Employee Engagement, Interviewing, Leadership & Management|

When an employee resigns and leaves your organisation, do you know the real reasons why? There are literally dozens of reasons why employees leave an organisation. Some of the reasons could include poor working conditions, poor compensation and benefits or a bad boss. However research by Leigh Branham and the Saratoga Insititue found that there are [...]

Stretch goals. Boon or Bane?

By | 2016-02-10T05:57:15+00:00 December 9th, 2014|Categories: Blogs, Employee Engagement, Performance|

2014 is quickly coming to a close and a brand new year will be upon us very soon. Many of us are already thinking of setting new goals, new objectives and planning our new year resolutions for 2015. For those of you working in the corporate world, there will be new targets and new objectives that [...]