Organisation Culture

//Organisation Culture


By | 2016-02-10T05:57:15+00:00 October 21st, 2014|Categories: Blogs, Interviewing, Organisation Culture, Personality|

In my previous article, I talked about Culture. If you missed it, you can read it here. Today we will examine the next attribute - Attitude. So what is Attitude? Attitude is something that is notoriously difficult to define. It is something that you know it when you see it and it is usually not quantifiable. [...]

Culture, Attitude, Aptitude, Personality. Do You Know the Difference?

By | 2016-02-10T05:57:15+00:00 October 14th, 2014|Categories: Blogs, Interviewing, Organisation Culture, Personality|

Lately, I’ve been seeing some articles calling recruiters and hiring managers to hire for attitude but not for aptitude. Honestly, I have been quite ruffled and disturbed by this strange trend of reasoning. One article had the following statement: “Hire for attitude, not aptitude. Knowledge and skills are certainly important for making a long-term hire, but [...]