

Why You Should Hire for Personality

By | 2016-02-10T05:57:15+00:00 November 4th, 2014|Categories: Blogs, Interviewing, Organisation Culture, Personality|

So far we have covered Culture, Attitude and Aptitude in our previous articles. The final piece of the CAAP® Foundation is PERSONALITY. If you missed the previous articles, read them here: Culture, Attitude, Aptitude So what is Personality and why is it so important? According to Peter Gray, a professor of psychology with the Boston College, [...]

Why You Should Hire for APTITUDE

By | 2016-02-10T05:57:15+00:00 October 28th, 2014|Categories: Blogs, Interviewing, Organisation Culture, Personality|

The Guy Who Could Not Learn Many years ago, I hired a guy who had more than 10 years of working experience and all the relevant technical qualifications and certifications. He did well in the interviews but there was one particular area that I completely overlooked -- he worked almost exclusively by himself for most of [...]


By | 2016-02-10T05:57:15+00:00 October 21st, 2014|Categories: Blogs, Interviewing, Organisation Culture, Personality|

In my previous article, I talked about Culture. If you missed it, you can read it here. Today we will examine the next attribute - Attitude. So what is Attitude? Attitude is something that is notoriously difficult to define. It is something that you know it when you see it and it is usually not quantifiable. [...]

Culture, Attitude, Aptitude, Personality. Do You Know the Difference?

By | 2016-02-10T05:57:15+00:00 October 14th, 2014|Categories: Blogs, Interviewing, Organisation Culture, Personality|

Lately, I’ve been seeing some articles calling recruiters and hiring managers to hire for attitude but not for aptitude. Honestly, I have been quite ruffled and disturbed by this strange trend of reasoning. One article had the following statement: “Hire for attitude, not aptitude. Knowledge and skills are certainly important for making a long-term hire, but [...]

3 Simple Steps to Highly Focused, Effective & Relevant Interview Questions

By | 2016-02-10T05:57:15+00:00 October 7th, 2014|Categories: Blogs, Interviewing, Strategy|

How do you craft highly focused, effective and relevant interview questions? That's a common question I get from my workshop participants and clients. Crafting interview questions is not rocket science. It is actually very simple once you understand the basic rules of crafting good questions. Most HR Professionals and Hiring Managers I know do not have [...]

Are You Looking for your next Purple Cow?

By | 2016-02-10T05:57:15+00:00 October 1st, 2014|Categories: Blogs|

Yes, Purple Cow. This was a concept popularized by Seth Godin in his bestselling book Purple Cow. The basic concept of the Purple Cow is to stand out and be insanely different from your competitors. According to Godin, the world is full of mediocrity and if you want to be successful in business or in your [...]

4 Things You Can Do Today to be a Better Manager

By | 2016-02-10T05:57:15+00:00 September 17th, 2014|Categories: Blogs|

It does not matter if you are a team manager leading a team of 5 or a Division Manager leading an organization of 500, the challenges with team and people management are fundamentally the same. It does not get any easier with a smaller team. All you require is a couple of difficult employees or staff [...]

How Can You Tell Your Candidate is Lying?

By | 2016-02-10T05:57:15+00:00 September 16th, 2014|Categories: Blogs|

One of the segments in my workshops that attracts the most interests and attention is the segment on Reading and Interpreting Candidate’s Body Language. The most common question from participants is: “How can we tell if a candidate is being truthful or not???? My answer is always this: “It's very difficult. But there are specific signals [...]

Why 21% of Employees in Singapore Resign Within the First Year

By | 2016-02-10T05:57:15+00:00 September 15th, 2014|Categories: Blogs|

Recently I came across the following in a post on LinkedIn: “Last year alone, S$80 million was spent in Singapore on avoidable recruitment costs. According to the Adapt to Survive study by LinkedIn and PwC, longer time taken to find the right candidates in 2013 led to unnecessary recruitment expenditure. The report also found over 21% [...]