

What is Company Culture?

By | 2018-02-27T15:59:06+00:00 March 13th, 2018|Categories: Blogs, Employee Engagement, Leadership & Management, Organisation Culture, Performance, Strategy|

As a Speaker, Trainer and Facilitator, I get that question a lot. Culture is also one of the things I always talk about in my workshops and talks. The fact is, I too, sometimes struggle to fully explain what Culture really means. Is it the collective behaviour of the people within the organisation? Is it the [...]

My LIVE Radio Interview on Money 89.3FM

By | 2018-02-13T12:15:44+00:00 February 13th, 2018|Categories: Blogs, Interviewing, Performance|Tags: , , , |

I had the pleasure of being interviewed LIVE on-air on 9th February 2018 on Singapore Press Holding's (SPH) brand new radio station Money 89.3FM. The host of the Mind Your Business segment was Howie Lim and we had a good chat on why businesses should start looking at hiring the RIGHT people for their organisations, rather [...]

The Hiring Formula That Works

By | 2018-02-06T13:59:16+00:00 April 4th, 2017|Categories: Blogs, Employee Engagement, Interviewing, Leadership & Management, Organisation Culture, Performance, Strategy|Tags: , , , , |

Are you still hiring during this time of economic uncertainty? If you are, then you know you have to really stretch your hiring dollar and ensure you hire the right people for your organisation. It’s clearly a buyer’s market these days. As a hiring manager, there is a whole host of confusing advice out there about [...]

Bad Leadership: Nobody Wanted to Work With Me Because I was Terrible Leader

By | 2018-02-26T10:34:15+00:00 January 31st, 2018|Categories: Employee Engagement, Leadership & Management, Performance, Personality, Strategy, Team Building|Tags: , , |

Not many people know that I was an Instructor during my National Service days.   For the uninitiated, all able-bodied males in Singapore have to serve in the armed forces (The Army, Navy or the Police) for at least 2 years usually before they head-off to college or university.   As a senior instructor in the [...]

Asking Your Staff More Questions Is Good. But Don’t Even Start Unless You’re Prepared To Do This.

By | 2017-06-12T11:55:54+00:00 July 5th, 2017|Categories: Employee Engagement, Leadership & Management, Performance, Strategy, Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , |

You should ask more questions. Ask employees what they want improved. Ask what excites them. Ask how you can help them do better. These are all great ways to motivate employees, help improve employee retention and get employees happy about working in your organisation. These are also great questions if you want to come across as [...]

The Rise of Artificial Intelligence and What You Can Do About It

By | 2017-05-31T10:24:32+00:00 June 7th, 2017|Categories: Blogs, Leadership & Management, Organisation Culture, Performance|Tags: , , , , , |

There has been so much talk about the rise of Artificial Intelligence and Robots, and how these machines will one day take over our jobs, our lives and our world. But how much of this will actually come true? Will artificial intelligence and robots really take over EVERYTHING – including our lives, our thoughts and our [...]

Leadership Styles – Uncovering Your Team’s Strengths and Weaknesses

By | 2018-02-26T10:37:19+00:00 March 3rd, 2017|Categories: Blogs, Leadership & Management, Organisation Culture, Performance, Strategy, Team Building|Tags: , |

Recently, I was invited to conduct a Leadership Styles workshop for a Korean software company. This Korean software company is an established company with a global footprint with its global headquarters based in Seoul, Korea. Over the last decade, this company has grown by leaps and bounds and have established bases as far as the United [...]

How do I tell my staff she has not performed well this year?

By | 2016-11-24T13:14:04+00:00 November 23rd, 2016|Categories: Blogs, Employee Engagement, Leadership & Management, Performance|

If you are a leader or a manager of a team, are you comfortable conducting a performance review with an under-performer on your team?   As Leaders and Managers, it is inevitable that one day we will need to confront a poor performer at work.   However, not all of us are comfortable confronting employees about [...]

How to be a Better Boss and Leader

By | 2017-06-15T13:13:06+00:00 July 4th, 2016|Categories: Employee Engagement, Leadership & Management, Performance, Uncategorized|Tags: , |

So many things have been said about great leadership. There are tons of books and articles on leadership. There are also tons of workshops and seminars out there teaching you how to be a great leader. Is Leadership so elusive that we need so many books, articles and workshops just to teach us how to be [...]

Are Millennials Really Different From the Rest of Us?

By | 2017-06-15T13:02:37+00:00 June 8th, 2016|Categories: Employee Engagement, Interviewing, Leadership & Management, Organisation Culture, Performance, Team Building, Uncategorized|

"I see no hope for the future of our people if they are dependent on the frivolous youth of today, for certainly all youth are reckless beyond words. When I was a boy, we were taught to be discrete and respectful of elders, but the present youth are exceedingly wise and impatient of restraint." ~ Hesoid, [...]