

A True Story of How One Manager Hired the Right Person and Brought the Team to a Whole New Level

By | 2017-06-15T13:05:32+00:00 February 11th, 2016|Categories: Uncategorized|

Some of you may already know, I launched my book recently on 23rd January 2016. Before my book was officially launched, I gave a copy to someone I knew. This person works in a financial institution here in Singapore and she leads a small team of people. For years, she had been struggling to get the [...]

How to Conquer All Your New Year Resolutions

By | 2017-06-15T13:06:18+00:00 January 5th, 2016|Categories: Uncategorized|

Happy New Year! Another year has passed and a brand new year is now upon us! I know many of us have already written down our new year resolutions – feeling motivated and determined to achieve all those objectives that we failed to achieve in the year before. I also know that many of us – [...]