Bad Leadership: Nobody Wanted to Work With Me Because I was Terrible Leader

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Bad Leadership: Nobody Wanted to Work With Me Because I was Terrible Leader

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Not many people know that I was an Instructor during my National Service days.


For the uninitiated, all able-bodied males in Singapore have to serve in the armed forces (The Army, Navy or the Police) for at least 2 years usually before they head-off to college or university.


As a senior instructor in the Army, I had the privilege of picking my co-trainers.

So I decided to approach one of the junior instructors to ask if he will join my team.

His answer was a firm “NO! You always pull rank!”

I was shocked.
I was hurt.
And I was confused.

What was wrong with using my rank to get things done?


But that was the TURNING POINT in my life.

After I joined the Corporate world, I set out to change my leadership style.

I read voraciously on leadership and motivation.

Bit by bit I put into practice what I learned on leadership and motivation.


One day I was asked to build up a regional team in Asia Pacific.

I switched from being COERCIVE and COMMANDING, to being AFFILIATIVE and DEMOCRATIC.


Eventually I built a regional team so cohesive that we achieved 0% attrition rate; hit almost 100% of all KPIs; and almost 100% engagement rate.

Over 10 straight years!


I don’t remember his name. But I still remember how he looks like.
And if I see him one day, I will thank him for making me who I am today.


So what kind of leader are you?


If you would like to find out how you can be a better leader, check this out: Leadership Styles Questionnaire



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