Leadership Style Questionnaire™

/Leadership Style Questionnaire™
Leadership Style Questionnaire™ 2019-02-15T13:14:31+00:00

The *Leadership Style Report™ is based on the six Leadership Styles research done by Dr. Daniel Goleman.

Dr. Goleman’s research suggests that the most effective executives use a collection of distinct leadership styles—each in the right measure, at just the right time.

However not many of us are aware of our own leadership styles and even fewer have a natural repertoire of more than four leadership styles.

The *Leadership Style Report™ will highlight your default leadership style that you use on a day-to-day basis, and it’s relation to other leadership styles.

The report will also highlight the pros and cons of each leadership style and some general advice to help you improve on your leadership styles and effectiveness.

The *Leadership Style Report™ also serves as an excellent Leadership Coaching Tool for both experienced and newly minted leaders and managers.


To download a sample report, please click here: LeadershipStyleReport-Steven_Lock.



For Individuals – If you would like to buy a report for yourself, please Click Here



For Corporate users, please Click Here



“Having coached and trained many sales leaders, one of the challenges is to have them come to terms with their leadership style on how they run their sales team. This report provides an accurate and undeniable insight on the style of leadership, as well as recommending areas which improvement can be made. Recommended for organizations that wish to bring out the best in their leaders.”
~ Jacky Chua, Sales Architect, Professional Coach (ICF-ACC)


* The Leadership Style Report™ is not designed/developed by Dr. Daniel Goleman. This report was developed by FutureTHINK! based on the book Primal Leadership by Daniel Goleman, Richard Boyatzis and Annie McKee. The Leadership Style Report™ is not a validated tool and has to be used in conjunction with a workshop and/or coaching sessions.