My LIVE Radio Interview on Money 89.3FM

/, Interviewing, Performance/My LIVE Radio Interview on Money 89.3FM

My LIVE Radio Interview on Money 89.3FM

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I had the pleasure of being interviewed LIVE on-air on 9th February 2018 on Singapore Press Holding’s (SPH) brand new radio station Money 89.3FM.

The host of the Mind Your Business segment was Howie Lim and we had a good chat on why businesses should start looking at hiring the RIGHT people for their organisations, rather than the best.

In the interview, I cited the work of Professor Boris Groysberg, a Harvard University professor, who did a very extensive 10-year study of Star Performers in various organisations.

What he found was that when Star Performers moved from one organisation to another, they typically only bring along with them up to 30% of their previous performance levels.

Yes. You got that right – only 30%!

Why is that so?

Listen to the podcast to find out why and more…

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By | 2018-02-13T12:15:44+00:00 February 13th, 2018|Categories: Blogs, Interviewing, Performance|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

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