Our Clients

/Our Clients
Our Clients 2019-02-09T11:56:16+00:00

Here’s What Our Clients Are Saying About Us

Over the years, we have been honored to have received glowing testimonials from our valued clients.

Here is a sample of the testimonials we have received from our clients:


    “Steven led and facilitated a session with our global leadership team. He was quite effective at honing in on the the content need of the group and connecting with a diverse set of individuals. I would absolutely partner with Steven on future sessions and highly recommend him as a subject matter expert and as an excellent facilitator.”
    ~ Karrin Franco, Senior Global Director of Finance & Administration, Velocity Electronics (US)


    “A well conducted training. Excellent knowledge on subject. Great training methods.”
    ~ Indranil, Chief Operating Officer, MEO


    “Steven presented a 2 hour workshop to our executive management team this week in Singapore, the content was from his book The Right Talent. Steven is an amazing facilitator and I am confident our team will benefit from our interaction with Steven. If you are looking to make an impact in your organization’s hiring process, Steven is your man.”
    ~ Kristofor Kelly, President & CEO, Velocity Electronics (US)


    “Very pleased with the course by Steven. Interactive and to the point. Would recommend engaging same instructor for other relevant courses.”
    ~ Candice Ng, General Manager, EOS


    “The trainer conducted the course very effectively. Straight to the point and content were professional and very useful.”
    ~ Jovy Chay, Manager, MEO


    “When I was looking for a consultant to transfer interviewing skills to my line managers, I was spoilt on the options in the market, but recommendations from various platforms led me to Steven and he did not disappoint at all! It was a 2 day class and my line managers adored Steven! His theory lessons were highly relatable to the daily functions, and easily expressed in practical sessions. He easily broke the ice, promoted positive sharing/learning and most importantly, made himself available on social medias and constantly shared updates on his experiences.”
    ~ Victor Leong, HR Executive, Tyco International.


    “Steven Lock unlocked the puzzling pieces on how to turn a great team into a ‘300 Spartans’ equivalent! Grateful for his insights and invaluable advise. I would like to recommend him unreservedly.”
    ~ Eddie Lee, Director, Edifice Pte Ltd.


    “Two words: simply brilliant! In the youth empowerment industry dealing with people from different stages of life, Steven’s strategies have proven to be remarkably effective and applicable for any form of team environment. His keen insights on team dynamics allow him to lock-on beautifully to the root of the problem and deliver a no-frills solution that nails it down perfectly!”
    ~ Hyder Taufik, Co-Founder, The Green Apple Project.




Our satisfied clients include:

  • Aberdeen Asset Management Asia Limited
  • Cambridge Industrial Trust Management Limited
  • Coca-Cola Singapore
  • OM Group Electronic Chemicals
  • Tyco International
  • International SOS
  • Pfizer
  • Miclyn Express Offshore
  • Flexim Instruments Asia
  • Pepperl+Fuchs Asia
  • Bank Julius Baer & Co. Ltd.
  • thyssenkrupp Singapore
  • Velocity Electronics (US)


Check out the programmes and workshops we currently offer