
/Tag: Hiring

Human vs Robots. Straw Polls Results

By | 2018-05-24T13:40:11+00:00 May 24th, 2018|Categories: Interviewing, Strategy, Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

I recently did a Straw Poll on LinkedIn on the following questions: 1. As a job candidate, would you prefer your CV be reviewed by a machine or a human? Why? 2. As a job candidate, would you prefer to be interviewed by a robot or a human? Why?   I received a total of 20 [...]

The Hiring Formula That Works

By | 2018-02-06T13:59:16+00:00 April 4th, 2017|Categories: Blogs, Employee Engagement, Interviewing, Leadership & Management, Organisation Culture, Performance, Strategy|Tags: , , , , |

Are you still hiring during this time of economic uncertainty? If you are, then you know you have to really stretch your hiring dollar and ensure you hire the right people for your organisation. It’s clearly a buyer’s market these days. As a hiring manager, there is a whole host of confusing advice out there about [...]

3 things I learnt at the Vietnam HR Summit 2016 in Ho Chi Minh City

By | 2017-03-16T13:30:03+00:00 November 2nd, 2016|Categories: Blogs, Employee Engagement, Leadership & Management, Strategy, Team Building|Tags: , |

On 15 September 2016, I was the plenary guest speaker for the Vietnam HR Summit 2016 in Ho Chi Minh City. I was invited to talk about my CAAP® High Performance Model to over 600 delegates at the convention. As this was my first time to Vietnam, I was initially a little apprehensive about how things [...]

Articles & posts that you may find interesting

By | 2016-01-29T04:44:53+00:00 June 30th, 2015|Categories: Blogs|Tags: , |

Here are some articles and blogs I came across recently that you might find interesting. All consolidated here for your convenience. Read them at your own convenience. Enjoy! How Not to Choose a Manager This is an interesting piece that highlights some common assumptions we make when deciding who to promote or hire as manager. 3 [...]