What is Company Culture?

What is Company Culture?

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As a Speaker, Trainer and Facilitator, I get that question a lot.

Culture is also one of the things I always talk about in my workshops and talks.

The fact is, I too, sometimes struggle to fully explain what Culture really means.

Is it the collective behaviour of the people within the organisation?
Is it the values espoused by the people within?
Is it the artifacts you find in the organisation?

Recently I came across an article by Dr. Cameron Sepah, titled “Your Company’s Culture is Who You Hire, Fire, & Promote”.

And I was completely blown away by his article.

I couldn’t have described Culture better than he did in his article.

Here’s an extract of what he said in his article:

“Your company’s employees practice the behaviors that are valued, not the values you believe.”

Dr Sepah also sets out to talk about the “No Assholes” rule.

Read about what he has to say about these people in your company.
I’m confident you will find his article very enlightening.

Happy reading.

Click here for article

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