What’s New

/What’s New
What’s New 2018-12-28T19:08:23+00:00



Shifting from Problem Focus to Outcome Focus™:

A Solution Focused Approach to Organisational Change and Transformation in Today’s VUCA World


Have you been in a meeting where the discussions went round in circles and never came to any definitive conclusions?

Or have you been in meetings where everyone was just pointing fingers at everyone else for all the problems in the organisation?


Sales blames Marketing.
Marketing blames Corporate Communications.
Corporate Communications blames Legal.

And the list goes on…


If you have ever sat in meetings like these, then what you have experienced is “Problem-focused Talk” – where almost all of the time, energy and focus were spent talking about problems.

The fact is that being problem-focused and talking about problems almost always gets people riled up and charged up negatively.

And it gets people boxed into a problem-focused mind-set too.


And here’s the uncomfortable truth: What you focus on, gets amplified.

So the more you focus on your problems, the bigger your problems will get!


But suppose… you could quickly get people to move away from being Problem-Focused to being Outcome-Focused.

Suppose… you could get your people to move away from unproductive conversations and quickly into generating actionable solutions.

Suppose… you could effectively get your organisation moving in the direction that you want.


What might be different for you and your organisation then?


Shifting from Problem Focus to Outcome Focus™ is a unique programme that will blow your mind.


In this programme:

    • You will learn the true catalyst for effective organisational change and transformation.
    • You will learn why talking about problems isn’t always the best way to solve problems, especially in today’s VUCA world.
    • You will learn how to get your people to change their thinking patterns and mind-sets so as to get them Shifting from Problem Focus to Outcome Focus™ quickly.
    • You will learn how to get your team or your organisation to overcome change inertia.
    • You will also learn highly effective techniques that will help move your organisation and/or team in the direction that you want.


Who will benefit from this programme?

    • CEOs
    • Leaders
    • Managers
    • Organisational Change Agents
    • Change Leaders
    • Transformation Leaders
    • Human Resources
    • Project Managers


Need more details?
Contact us now!

    [email protected]