Stop making bad hiring decisions. Learn how to interview effectively and identify the right talents for your organisation every ti...
Learn how to overcome negotiation challenges and achieve win-win situations for all parties. Achieve definitive agreements, streng...
Coach Your Employees to Achieve Results in the Shortest Time Possible. Improve employee engagement, motivation and retention....
Do you know how your leadership style(s) impact your team's performance and affect the people around you? Find out what your pre...
Evaluating employees' work as part of Performance Management has always been a crucial task. Not only must you do it accurately an...
In the world of customer service, words count. What you say to customers can have an enormous impact on how customers view yo...
Every single situation relies on the relationship you have with the person and also applying the right communication and influence...
Learn how to make decisions confidently and solve problems creatively with this highly interactive workshop....
To be an effective manager, one needs to be able to translate the organization goals into team goals and further into individual g...
Each of us is unique and has a different thinking style. There is no best style. Yet, there are definitely individual and organiza...
Equip yourself with the essentials of how to manage every aspect of a project to achieve schedule, cost and performance objectives...
“Very pleased with the workshop by Steven. Interactive and to the point. Would recommend engaging same instructor for other relevant courses.”
~ Candice Ng, General Manager, EOS
“Steven Lock unlocked the puzzling pieces on how to turn a great team into a ‘300 Spartans’ equivalent! Grateful for his insights and invaluable advise. I would like to recommend him unreservedly.”
~ Eddie Lee, Director, Edifice Pte Ltd
“Two words: simply brilliant! In the youth empowerment industry dealing with people from different stages of life, Steven’s strategies have proven to be remarkably effective and applicable for any form of team environment. His keen insights on team dynamics allow him to lock-on beautifully to the root of the problem and deliver a no-frills solution that nails it down perfectly!”
~ Hyder Taufik, Co-Founder, The Green Apple Project
“A well conducted training. Excellent knowledge on subject. Great training methods.”
~ Indranil, Chief Operating Officer, MEO
“Thank you!!! You have been a wonderful facilitator and the workshop was indeed very useful for me.”
~ Jessica Ho, Senior HR Representative, Xilinx Asia Pacific
"Hiring someone, whether it is for a junior or senior position has always felt like a gamble. Some of the best hires I have come across hinged heavily on the hiring managers’ seemingly well-honed instincts. Their ability to read a person correctly and ‘listen to their gut’ is not as spontaneous or as random as they appear. It comes from years of experience in interacting with people and knowing what to look out for. Steven Lock’s Agility-Focused Interviewing Approach™, empiricalises the interviewing process, making it possible for one to fast-track through the learning curve and achieve competence in the hiring process."
~ Shirley Go, Global Marketing Manager, Cytec Industries
“A company is only as good as its people. For a start, you need to hire the best people. Steven Lock captured the essence of what is required to accomplish that. When I was a new manager, I used to follow my instincts when I was interviewing and hiring. As you may have guessed, the quality of people I hired was inconsistent. Over the years, I have learnt from my experiences and developed some tactics for successful hiring. Steven’s book reinforced these best practices and elevated my knowledge in this area to the next level. It is truly enlightening. He has converted hiring from an art to a science. He maps out the process in easy-to-follow steps to achieve the results you aspire. This book is a must-read for new managers and those who are serious in building the best teams for their company.”
~ Bernadette Ho, Regional Services Sales Director, Agilent Technologies
"Steven's book is literally a system-in-a-box that any manager can put into practical use immediately. You will enjoy his direct and rational approach because it cuts to the chase. His many years of direct hiring experience is an essential asset to hiring managers today. And if that is not enough, Steven is a veteran on the stage and has the capability to support any organisation in need of his skills in developing managers and their hiring abilities.
~ Stuart Tan, MSc., MBA, International Speaker and Organisational Psychologist, Ultimate Alliance Consultancy Pte Ltd
"Steven's book will provide you with not just a manual on how to interview, identify and hire your ideal candidates for your organisation, but also provides you with a comprehensive guide on how questions should be asked and what to avoid. This book is a complete end-to-end guide for your next successful hiring exercise.
~ Teo Puay Wei, Head of Risk (Asia Pacific), Aberdeen Asset Management Asia Pte Ltd
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