Are You a Forward-looking HR Manager?

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Recently, I had the privilege to conduct a 2-day training workshop for a group of lively, energetic and spontaneous participants from a forward-looking Swiss MNC. This Swiss MNC understood and appreciated the importance of interviewing and hiring the right candidates, and had decided to invest in training ALL of their hiring managers on how to interview effectively.

The customized training workshop was titled “How to Interview and Pick the Right Candidates Every Time: Effective Interviewing Techniques for Hiring Managers???.

This was a group of Hiring Managers who wanted to learn how to interview effectively and how to pick the right candidates every time. The group was a good mix of Managers and Directors from various functions including Logistics, Distribution, Warehouse, Customer Services and the Technical functions.


I was impressed with the enthusiasm and experience of the participants who asked lots of thoughtful questions and were so eager to learn what I had to offer.

We covered the basics of interviews and discussed about some shocking statistics of how candidates blatantly lie about their accomplishments and job histories.

We also talked about specialized websites that sold fake references to candidates. These websites catered to the needs of candidates who needed fake job histories (creating fake companies), fake references (character references) and even fake company phone numbers!

During the later part of the first day, we discussed in detail various proven techniques and approaches interviewers can use to ask great questions, how to formulate effective follow-up questions and how to encourage candidates to be truthful in their answers.

We ended the first day discussing how to observe and interpret body language, and this was the part that really got everyone’s attention and interests!

Day 2

Day 2 of the training was dedicated to Role Plays. And it was the Role Plays that really got the participants really excited.

The focus of the role plays was Panel Interviewing. Participants got to play both the roles of Candidate and as an Interviewer on a Panel of Interviewers.

The lessons they took away with them from the role plays was just invaluable! We all had so much fun and laughter. What really got them excited was learning how to observe and interpret body language, which they found to be of so much value.

Even before the session ended, one of the participants commented that they wanted to talk to HR right after the session to implement what they have just learnt! What enthusiasm!

All credit goes to the forward-looking HR Manager who truly understood and appreciated the value of having ALL their hiring managers trained on effective interviewing skills, and for championing the need to train all their hiring managers.

Many have the misconception that hiring belongs to the domain of HR. However the fact is that anyone who is involved in the hiring cycle must be trained. And this particular HR Manager in this Swiss MNC truly understands the value of having all hiring managers trained to interview and pick the right candidates for their organization.

I can only imagine how this Swiss MNC will begin to win the war on talent and bring their organization and people to new heights!

Now I’m looking forward to the next training session for an even larger group of hiring managers from this organization.

And this time, their HR will also be part of the training!

Be a forward-looking HR Manager just like my client from the Swiss MNC.

Get all your hiring managers trained.

Call +65-6827-9689 now!

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September 12, 2014