How to Conquer All Your New Year Resolutions

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Happy New Year!

Another year has passed and a brand new year is now upon us!

I know many of us have already written down our new year resolutions – feeling motivated and determined to achieve all those objectives that we failed to achieve in the year before.

I also know that many of us – in fact most of us – will still fail to achieve most of our new year resolutions. This is because many of us come up with brand new lofty resolutions for the new year, only to find that we have abandoned most of them by the middle of the new year.

But fret not.

The key is to ensure your new year resolutions are achievable – not something so lofty that requires an overwhelming amount of effort on your part.

This is not to say that you should have objectives that are too easy.

Your new year resolutions should be just beyond reach. It should be just beyond what you have already achieved previously. It should be a realistic stretch goal.

And there is a difference between motivation and commitment.

Motivation is a feeling. It is an emotion. And often times, motivation fizzles out as quickly as it started.

On the other hand, commitment is a series of actions that you take – whether you feel like doing it or not. It is not based on your feelings or your emotions. Commitment is a series of concrete steps and actions that you do even if you do not feel like doing them.

Most of us start off highly motivated to achieve new goals for ourselves. But if you do not commit to doing what you are supposed to do, you will still fail.

So if you want to achieve your goals this new year, start committing yourself to action. Don’t just rely on motivation to carry you through.

I wish you much success in conquering your New Year Resolutions in 2016!

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January 5, 2016