3 Simple Steps to Highly Focused, Effective & Relevant Interview Questions

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How do you craft highly focused, effective and relevant interview questions?

That’s a common question I get from my workshop participants and clients.

Crafting interview questions is not rocket science. It is actually very simple once you understand the basic rules of crafting good questions.

Most HR Professionals and Hiring Managers I know do not have an effective way of crafting effective and relevant questions.

In fact, I encountered a Recruiting Manager in one of my workshops who admitted to taking questions from books such as “The Interview Question and Answer Book??? she purchased from a local bookstore!

Now these books are of great value as reference books, however you should not completely rely on these books for your questions, particularly lifting entire questions out from these books. Use these books as a guide to crafting your questions but never lift entire questions out from these books.

Crafting a question that is both relevant and effective can be quite challenging for most people — if you don’t know how. Many of the participants in my workshops have told me that they usually find it challenging to come up with a set of high impact questions and questions that are relevant to what they are looking for in their candidates.

So how do you craft effective interview questions? Is there a simple to understand, simple to apply technique to craft highly effective and relevant interview questions?

The answer is YES! It takes only 3 simple steps to develop your own highly effective interview questions.

“Thanks for the sample chapter. It is a really great systematic way of crafting questions from the competencies that one seek from a candidate. Looking forward to the launch of your book. It would a great resource for those of us who are involved in recruitment.”

~ HR Manager

“In the sample chapter, you mentioned about some HR professionals not having an effective way of crafting effective and relevant questions. I can’t agree more! I remembered in my previous organization, there are no structure and sometimes when I sit in for an interview, I noticed that the hiring manager/recruiter ask irrelevant questions and I feel that the time spent was wasted with no useful outcome…the ADC technique is useful for professionals or even hiring manager to think through and craft interview questions. This will also allow them to identify what are the crucial attributes that they would like to see in a potential candidate.”

~ HR Specialist

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October 7, 2014