HR hates these Buzzwords. Do you have them in your Resume?

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Recently I read an article about buzzwords HR hates the most. HR managers from the US and Canada were asked this question: “What is the most annoying or overused phrase or buzzword in the workplace today????

Apparently HR folks are tired and “fed-up??? with hearing and seeing words such as:

  • – “Out of pocket???
  • “Deep dive???
  • “Forward-thinking???
  • “Dynamic???
  • “Let me get back to you???
  • “Pick your brain???
  • “Employee engagement???
  • “LOL???
  • “It’s not my job???
  • “It’s above my pay grade???
  • “When am I going to get a raise????
  • “I am overwhelmed???
  • “Crunch time???

Interestingly, words and phrases that were picked up in previous surveys showed up again in the latest survey. These include:

  • “Win-win???
  • “Value-added???
  • “Think outside the box???
  • “Leverage???
  • “At the end of the day???
  • “Circle back???
  • “Synergy???


So my questions are:

1. If HR folks are “fed-up??? hearing and seeing these words in their day-to-day work, then how will they react to candidate Resumes that contain these words and phrases?

2. Will the mention of these words in a candidate’s Resume result in a negative impression of the candidate?

3. Will it result in the Resume getting tossed into the waste bin?

Does YOUR Resume contain any of these “irritating??? phrases and words?

And, if you are a HR Professional or a Recruiting Manager, how do you feel when you come across a candidate Resume with these buzzwords?

What other buzzwords do you hate?

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September 11, 2014